Nonsubscription Product Comparison

Product Comparison

For Texas Nonsubscription insurance coverage, contact Combined Group Insurance Services.

Product / Options CEI VIP American Fidelity Occ Acc
AM Best Rating A+XV A+XV A+IX
Policy Form Non-Admitted Non-Admitted Admitted
Per Occurrence SIR Range $1,000 - $5,000,000 $1,000 - $100,000 $1,000 - $250,000
Per Occurrence CSIL Option 1 to 25 million
(5 million per Employee)
500k to 1 million 500k to 1 million
Disability Period Limit / Option 156 or 260 weeks up to 1K per week 104 or 156 weeks up to 1K per week 104 or 156 weeks up to 1K per week
Medical Period Limit None 104 or 156 weeks 104 or 156 weeks
Employer Liability Limit None 104 or 156 weeks No employer liability
Legal Defense Costs First dollar outside policy limits (optional) during max coverage period in CSL None
Pay on Behalf Option Available Available Available
Policy Aggregate $25,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000
Commissions 10% 10% 15%